Why Stop At One When You Can Have TWO?!

Christmas time holds special meaning for me, but not just as a holiday. The beauty of Christmas to me is the way this season is a celebration of splendor and tradition. I enjoy the fun as well as the meaning this time of year, and that’s the reason that I decorate not one but two Christmas trees!

Christmas trees are more than just symbols of the holiday; they are means of expression, in most cases of tradition and creativity. For me, the tree hosts decorations that represent meaningful moments from my life and that tap into my designer soul.

Two Trees To Celebrate Two Traditions

My first Christmas tree is decorated with ornaments that have meaning, symbols from everywhere I travel. This is my fun tree, representing the joy of my journeys and the discoveries of other places. Year round, I keep my tree in mind as I travel, giving myself a fun goal to meet while on a trip. What ornament will capture this memory? How will I remember this place?


My other tree is splendor and wonder, decorated with crystal ornaments that gleam and shine, sparkling in the day or night to represent the magic of the season for me. The look of crystal encapsulates so much of my esthetic, from the kaleidoscopic light show that transforms each crystal into a unique gem to my amazement at the impossibly delicate and intricate shapes created with this fragile medium. Crystal delights and surprises, the very magic that comes from design, which I love so much.

Lauren Davenport Christmas Tree why stop at one when you can have two trees

Celebrating With Style And Meaning

As the Christmas season gets underway, I plan to enjoy the show and wonder at all the different trees and ways to decorate them. I want to know more about the traditions each person has for their Christmas tree and decorations, and I can’t wait to put mine up.

This year, when you see an ornament, may it bring you a sense of curiosity about its meaning and placement on a Christmas tree, or may it just bring you joy at the sight of something so creative and fun.

Lauren Davenport